The command: "Text 1 - Text 6" opens a dialogue box with predefined settings to place a text in the drawing.
The command: "ASCII text input" reads a selected ASCII text into the CAD programme.
Command: "Text options"
Change existing texts with the options displayed in the menu line. One or more lines of text can be selected in the object selection.
Height/Width/Text Style/New Text/Distance/File/Exit <Exit>
Change the text height for the selected text. The text spacing is not taken into account, but can be corrected with the option Spacing.
Change width factor for text
Text style
Only names of defined text styles in the drawing can be used as input.
New text
If there are several lines of text in the selection set, the text for each line must be entered again or accepted. Exit this mode by entering "xx".
The line spacing can be set independently of the text height.
Offers the possibility to write texts created with AutoCAD/BricsCAD into a file, which can be edited further with an EDITOR.
Exits the programme and returns to the drawing mode.
The command: "Search and Replace" searches for texts in the drawing and replaces them with another text.
The command: "Edge offset text background". applies to ARX captions and M-texts. The command can be used to change the margin offset by a factor or value.
The command: "Textblock insert" inserts a text module.
The command: "Textblock update" updates an inserted text module.
The command: "Textblock create" creates a text module from a selected text.
The command: "Text" lets you write a text with defined text height and rotation angle at a point you specify in the drawing.
The command: "Text style" opens the drawing explorer (BricsCAD) or the text style dialogue (AutoCAD).