Command: "Regenerate All" with the AutoCAD/BricsCAD command "REGENALL" the entire drawing is regenerated.
Command: "LTFAKTOR" sets a desired line type factor with value input via the keyboard.
Command: "UCS-World" sets the origin of the user coordinate system to "World".
Command: "Plan view active UCS" jumps to the top view / view from above.
Command: "UCS-Symbol on / off" switches the UC symbol on or off.
Command: "Align" lets you align an object based on an input of any number of points.
Command: "PSLTSCALE" Sets the linetype scaling in the paper space.
Command: "Point Style" Jumps for you to the BricsCAD menu for setting the point style. In AutoCAD, a dialogue box opens for setting the point style.
Command: "Dimaso on" creates non-associative dimension objects. The elements of the dimension are combined into a single object.
If one of the dimension's vertexes moves, the dimension is updated.
Command: "Dimaso off" creates dissolved dimensions. There is no connection between the different elements of the dimension.
The lines, arcs, arrowheads and text of a dimension are drawn as separate objects.