Panel generator |
Generating of panels in a dialog box Use the buttons "LENGTH OVERALL", "MOUNTING DEPTH" etc. to get the dimensions directly from the drawing. The option "Generate block" can be used to change several equal panel objects. The panels can be changed with a double click. (If the option "BLOCK" was used when creating or the group mode is active). If the group mode is not active and the panel has not been created as a block, the function can be called up by double-clicking on the outermost polyline of the drawn panel. The field "Selection" offers variants that have been saved already. Type in the name of the definition file here. "Save settings" saves your definition to this name. The panels are saved in the Fillings directory. Make sure the names does not contain any blanks, commas etc.
The command join glazing is build for joining 2 disconnected panels or glasses.
The command align glazing is build for aligning 2 panels or glasses.
The command stretch glazing is build for stretching panels or glasses in the original direction.
The command divide glazing is build for exploding panels or glasses and join them to a group. From the version 2012 and upwards, you're able to doubleclick panels or glasses that were drawn as groups. Draw corner panels from a polylinie with min. 3 points. With the command "Exchange panels", glasses or panels can be exchanged in the section. . Select the glasses or panels to be replaced and then the panel to be used from the panel generator.