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Indication of altitude - Group

Indication of altitude > Example (Group)


Toolbar: SYSCAD programs -> SYSFLY Indicaton of altitude: Höhenkote (Gruppe) or Alternative Höhenkote (Gruppe) (Group)  

Settings and defaults under: SYSCAD-Variable / Dimension / Indicat. of altitude / Indicat. of altitude (group)

Ribbon: Programs -> Group Miscellaneous -> Höhenkote (Gruppe) or Alternative Höhenkote (Gruppe) (Group)  


or Tools -> Dimensioning group -> Höhenkote (Gruppe) or Alternative Höhenkote (Gruppe) (Group)

The following example shows you how to use the Indication of altitude (Group). Height node (group) + Alternative height node (group)

Step 1: You draw your view or the section:


2. Step. Call up the Indication of altitude programme (group). (SYSCAD programs toolbox -> Height coordinates + Alternative height coordinates )

The following dialogue box appears:


With the neue_basis option, we define the base point for the altitude coordinates.

You will see the following in the command line:

Define basis factor: Select block or view, return for free input

Here you can select scaled elements or enter your factor with Return. The following dialogue appears when you press Return:


The following then appears in the command line:


Select point for dimensions. Select your desired base point of the height node in the drawing.

End point of the reference line: Select the end point

Base dimension: Enter 0 value

Elevation marks: New base/dimension/change dimension/change factor/delete/exit <Exit

You should see the following screen:


With the vermaßen option, we now set the other height dimensions:

You will see the following in the command line:


Dimension height coefficients

Factor <1.0>:

Select point to be dimensioned: Select desired point with object snap

End point of the reference line:either click on a point here or <RETURN> for automatic alignment to the base point

Coordinate dimension <1046.0>

Draw all other dimensions according to this scheme. If there are several BASE POINTS in your drawing, you will be asked for the corresponding BASE MEASUREMENT before each MEASUREMENT. Simply click on the height node in the correct group.

You can use the maß_aendern option to redefine existing height node dimensions. To do this, click on the desired dimension and overwrite the default value. All other dimensions assigned to this height factor group are changed.

The maßstabsfaktor_aendern command is used to manually set the dimensioning factor. This is necessary, for example, after manually scaling a section or a view with the VARIA command.

The skalierfaktor_button command is used to adjust the size of height marks. The height coordinates are scaled with a factor based on the size of the height coordinates block.

The spiegeln command mirrors the height marks around the reference line.

The command 2gruppen_verbinden allows the grouping of two height node groups. First select the height node group to be retained. The contour lines from the 2nd group are adjusted.

The differenz_zur_basis command allows you to enter a difference value. This makes it possible to enter a second dimension (difference to base). The second dimension can only be displayed if there is a second text with additional information (EED KGL_HOEKO_MASS_2) in the altitude value block. Simply copy this text from the example drawing hoekosym5_2.dwg for your application.



The "Indication of Altitude 2" Alternative height grade command generates the height coordinate with separate settings that were specified in the SYSCAD variable.

Tip (Indication of altitude group)

You can change the display of the height grade by changing the corresponding block. Can be set in SYSCAD variables / Dimension / Indication of altitude / Indication of Altitude (Group). The HOEKOSYM block is located in the SYSCAD directory under TEMPLATES. Change the block and save it under a different name.  Enter  this name in the SYSCAD variable / Dimension / Indication of altitude / Indication of altitude (Group). From now on, your block will be used for measurements with height marks. You can  assign a defined dimensioning style to your height marks under SYSCAD variables / Dimension / Indication of altitude / Indication of Altitude (Group). The decimal places and suppression of decimal places are also controlled via the style.



Application example with a measurement and deletion of the Indication of altitude

Application example with 2 dimensions and changing the dimension text