Edit elevation

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Toolbar: SYSCAD Generating sections -> SYSFLY Centre line grid -> Raster editieren


Ribbon: SYSCAD Gener. Sections -> Centre Line Grid -> Raster editieren



This function can be used to alter elevations with fillings. Select the elevation to be altered after the command call by means of drawing a selection window.

Raster editieren

The fillings are shown as symbols in the elevation.

Raster editieren

To alter the elevation use the AutoCAD/BricsCAD commands "STRETCH", " Alter profile etc.

Call the command "Edit grid" Raster editieren again and select the elevation via selection window. Please confirm or adapt all fillings again in sequence.

Note: T-bars must be defined again. To facilitate this definition auxiliary lines are generated at the former position of the T-bars.

The command "Edit grid" generates open contours at elevations with doors. These contours ca be easily closed using the command Auxiliary T-bar .

Apply the command "Edit grid" once again after your alterations have been finished. The doors are inserted properly.