The command: "Vertical facade mullion 1-field-girder" Calculates the load case post single span beam:
Necessary geometrical inputs:
- Post length in cm (L)
- Bay width 1 in cm (B1)
- Bay width 2 in cm (B2)
- maximum glass length in cm
The parameters of the deflection are entered according to the standard, but can be changed if necessary.
The load from wind pressure/wind suction and, if applicable, from a horizontal live load can be taken into account.
The button Velocity pressure takes you to the load assumptions dialogue box (according to DIN 1055-4:2005-03):
Enter the wind zone of the respective location.
The enveloping surfaces D (windward side) for the wind pressure and A,B,C (wind parallel side) for the wind suction are loaded with different coefficients depending on the wind inflow direction. The opposite side is marked E (leeward side).