Command: "Dim - style standard" Sets the dimension style to a style preset in the SYSCAD variable. (Can load different styles through the flyout function).
Command: "Scale ?" Sets a scaling factor for linear dimensions.
Command: "Dimensioning style" Opens the drawing explorer (BricsCAD) or the dimensioning dialogue (AutoCAD).
Command: "Linear" Creates a linear dimension using a horizontal, vertical or rotated dimension line.
Command: "Basisline" Creates a linear, angular or coordinate dimension from the baseline of the last dimension created or the selected dimension.
Command: "Continue" Creates a dimension that starts at an auxiliary line of the last dimension created or selected.
Command: "Aligned" Creates an aligned linear dimension.
Command: "Arc length" With arc length dimensions you measure the distance along an arc or arc segment of a polyline. The auxiliary lines of an arc length dimension can be orthogonal or radial.
Command:"Radius dimension" Creates a radius dimension for a circle or an arc.
Command: "Diameter dimension" Creates a diameter dimension for a circle or an arc.
Command: "Angular dimension" Measures the angle between selected geometric objects or three points.
Command: "Center mark" Creates the non-associative centre point or centre lines of circles and arcs.
Command: "Dimension text edit" Moves and rotates dimension text and positions the dimension line at a different place.
Command: "Dimension update" Updates dimensions if they were not created associatively (command up to AutoCAD 2010).
Command: "Explode Dimension" Decomposes dimensions into their origin.
Command: "Divide dimension" Divides dimensions at a defined point.
Command: "Connect dimension" Connects two or more dimensions.
Command: "Align dimensions" Aligns dimensions to a defined vanishing point.
Command: "Sheet dimensioning complete" Dimensions a sheet metal on all sides.
Command: "Dimension text user input" Opens the dialogue box "Change text" and lets you enter a text. Selecting the dimension then changes the dimension text.
Command: "Change dimension style and distances" Opens a dialogue box for changing the dimension style.
Command: "Dimensioning from viewport to another" Measures points between viewports.