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Example windows / doors |
Examples > Windows / Doors |
This example can be used to understand entries and program sequences of different menu items of 'Generating Sections'.
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Watch out for this Symbol: Description: Element from the W-HARTMANN Systherm 62 series with double-leaf door opening outwards, bottom-hung window and fixed glazing. Profile numbers and glass thickness can be seen in the view. Download the supplier W-HARTMANN and the system Systherm 62 1. select the cut generation commands from the "Generating sections" ribbon 2. We use the "Frame" programme
Frame The points must always be defined in a clockwise direction. You can define the first point (P1) anywhere in the drawing. Command: Frame The "Frame profiles" dialogue box appears. Tap in the "620200" field. The selected profile is used for the entire frame.
drawing the frame 3. With the "Transom/mullion" You start with the horizontal rung first. This is inserted across the entire width and then automatically divided by the vertical rung. It is important that the entire muntin profile is visible in the CAD.
Command: "Transom/mullion" Transom/mullion Profile from point: Move the mouse over auxiliary point P1 only until upward tracking (ortho mode F8 on) is activated. Then enter 2000 and confirm. Move the mouse to the right and tap the right-hand side with entity snap Perpendicular. After the message "Transom/mullion profile from point", show the start of the T/M profile and select the line for the end of the profile in the "o line <PERPENDICULAR>" enquiry . The "T/M Profiles" dialogue box is displayed and you enter "620320" in the profile field. With the request "Move or <RETURN> for accept", confirm the axis dimension as a position with The selected profile appears as a default in the following command line. The vertical rung is inserted with the same T/M profile. End <T/M-profile> profile <620320> Transom/mullion profile from point: Move over auxiliary point P1 with the mouse only until tracking (ortho mode F8 on) to the right is activated. Then enter 2000 and confirm Move the mouse downwards and tap the lower auxiliary line/auxiliary rung with entity snap PERPENDICULAR. After the muntin run "to line" <PERPENDICULAR> (see example), the position of the profile is confirmed with
adding T/M profiles To achieve the same visible width as in the sash, the top and base profiles are used as muntins in the side section. To do this, the profile specification <620320> must be changed. Tap the right mouse button and on "Profile" or enter "P" using the keypad. The "T/M profiles" dialogue box is displayed and you tap in the "Door profiles" field to select the "624410" profile. The profile variable is overwritten and used as the default for the next rung < 624410 >. End <T/M-profile> profile <624410> Transom/mullion profile from point: <Intersection point> (P1) to line < PERPENDICULAR > Click with the left mouse button to move the rung, confirm (or change) 1/2 the face width. Then move the position upwards with the left mouse button and confirm with the right mouse button or with
adding profile "424410" The profile specification must be changed again for the muntin bar with plinth profile. Click on "Profile" in the on-screen menu and select the field for profile "624200". The profile variable is overwritten and used as the default for the next T/M profile <624200>. End <T/M-profile> profile <624200> Transom/mullion profile from point (P1) draw this T/M profile from left to right. This means that the glazing bar is at the top. to line <PERPENDICULAR> Click with the left mouse button to move the profile, confirm (or change) 1/2 the face width. Then move the position upwards with the left mouse button and confirm with the right mouse button or with Exit the "Transom/mullion"
adding profile "624200" Then select the "Filling"
4. Tilt windows, doors and fixed glazing are now inserted with the "Filling" After calling up the programme, you will receive the message: <RETURN> for end of filling First corner (bottom left) or select point in closed contour We start with the bottom-hung window and tap a point within the designated area in the view. The "Filling" dialogue box is displayed. Select the "Window" tab and enter "623010" in the field for the Vent profile and the "Bottom-hung / B-H" opening type. (With glass thickness 24 and glass type ISO24-2x4) After confirming with "OK", the "Window Fittings" dialogue opens: Select variant 1 + handle "1515101" and confirm with "OK"
The menu bar then appears: End filling <window> Profile <623010> Glass dimension <24 Insulating glass (4/16/4)> Opening type <B-H > First corner (bottom left) or select point in closed contour Use <RETURN> for end of filling First corner (bottom left) or select point in closed contour Now tap with the crosshairs on the first area that is to be fixed glazed (see example): The "Filling" dialogue box is displayed. Select the "Fixed light" tab. Set the parameters as shown. The menu bar then appears: End filling <Fixed light> Glass dimension <24 Insulating glass (4/16/4)> First corner (bottom left) or select point in closed contour Use Now tap with the crosshairs in the next area for fixed glazing (see example). Select the glass size "38" in the familiar dialogue box. You will receive the following message on the screen: End filling <Fixed light> Glass dimension <38 Insulating glass (8/22/8)> First corner (bottom left) or select point in closed contour With <RETURN> for end of filling First corner (bottom left) or select point in closed contour
insert fillings Now use the crosshairs to tap the area of the door panel. The "Infill" dialogue box is displayed. Select the "Double-leaf doors" tab. Set the parameters as shown. Deactivate the Overlap centre check box: You will then be prompted to specify the reference point (P1) with "Reference point <INTERS>". The entity snap default is INTERSECTION. When the message "Enter relative x-value" appears, enter the value "1100". The following dialogue opens next (2x - 2-leaf door): Make your desired selection and confirm with "OK". The following menu line is then displayed. <RETURN> for end of filling First corner (bottom left) or select point in closed contour Exit the Filling
insert 2-leaf door 5. We now insert muntin profiles into the door panel using the "T-bar" First, we set an auxiliary line at a distance of 950 mm from the bottom edge. Command: "T-bar" T-bar from point: Intersection of auxiliary line / glass edge left to line <PERPENDICULAR> : Intersection of auxiliary line / glass edge right The entity snap in < > brackets is already predefined. The "T-bar profiles" dialogue box then appears. Type "621020" into the profile field. Confirm the centre distance with the request "Move or <RETURN> for accept" at End <T/M-profile> profile <621020> T-bar from point: Intersection of auxiliary line / glass edge left to line <PERPENDICULAR> : Intersection of auxiliary line / glass edge right When the message "T-bar from point" appears "to line <PERPENDICULAR>", tap the inner lines of the second sash frame (see example). With the request "Move or <RETURN> for accept", confirm the centre distance with End <T/M-profile> profile <621020> T-bar from point We end the "T-bar"
draw T-bars 6. After inserting the sash bars, we change the glass thickness in the plinth area of the door. With the command "OPTIONS\GLASS THICKNESS" Only elements on the WHC_GLAS layer that are completely in the window when the object is selected are changed. You have now created the view and can edit the view with the other menu items of the section generation (enter section, etc.)
change glass thickness